Numerology Forecast (PDF File)
Firstly, Numerology Forecast gives general insight for the next year - about your prospects in love, work, health...
And secondly, it gives review by days and months - which will be favourable for new beginnings, creative work, financial dealings, dating, entertainment, finishing old issues...
Numerology Forecast:
- Is made for one year - with bonusforecast until your birthday in two years.
- Gives the numbers of your Personal year and Personal months and days in this year - so you can prepare for the opportunities and challenges in given days, months and years.
- Lists your lucky numbers for every month, which can be used for lottery etc.
- Gives additional instructions for using Numerology Forecast to your full advantage.
- Makes for original birthday gift - because it is calculated from one's birthday.
- Is a written analysis, composed from the very best numerological sources.
- Comprises of approximately 10 pages.
IMPORTANT: Before ordering click on the "YOUR DATA/PREFERENCES" tab below. Enter 1) birth name and surname and 2) date of birth. Click the button "Save", and then the button "Add to cart".