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Teslina purpurna ploča (veličine kreditne kartice) djeluje kao antena za kozmičku energiju. Olakšava bolove kod istrošenosti hrskavičnog tkiva, reumatizma, bolova u vratu i kralježnici, istegnuća, iščašenja, udaraca... Pomaže i kod stresa, nesanice, glavobolje, zubobolje i drugih naših svakodnevnih tegoba.
Sa zaštitnom Kerrock piramidom se postiže cjelokupna zaštita od svih štetnih zračenja u prostoru: zračenja podzemnih vodenih tokova, planetarnih zračenja, zračenja Hartmannove i Curryjeve zemaljske mreže, ruda, geoloških prijeloma i jama, tehničkih zračenja instalacija, antena i aparata, vanjskih zračenja, mobitela, zračenja predmeta, pa i negativnih...
The Norad informed protective copper plate considerably reduces the risk caused by radiation from mobile and cell phones. Norad is a self-adhesive coded copper plate that we attach to the back of the phone. It does not affect the technical operation of the mobile phone in any way. The risk created by the radiation of mobile phones and base stations is...
Norad Plus is a self-adhesive copper plate with informational codes for our protection – it is applied to our wristwatch casing so it touches our skin. Norad Plus reduces the risks of cell phones' radiation, electric installations, computers... Through special informational codes it helps improving the water in our body, and copper reaches the body...